属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-离奇的企业家 Entrepreneurs
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-灰色的幽影 Shades of grey
1 | 有一个以法莲中的勇士,名叫细基利,杀了王的儿子玛西雅和管理王宫的押斯利甘,并宰相以利加拿。 | and Zichri, a great fighting-man of Ephraim, put to death Maaseiah, the king’s son, and azrikam, the controller of his house, and Elkanah, who was second in authority to the king. | |
2 | 于是,约书亚吩咐百姓的官长说, | Then Joshua gave their orders to those who were in authority over the people, saying, | |
3 | 于是托亚哈的名写信,用王的印印上,送给那些与拿伯同城居住的长老贵胄。 | So she sent a letter in ahab’s name, stamped with his stamp, to the responsible men and the chiefs who were in authority with Naboth. | |
4 | 语气较强,为有权威者用以指令别人服从 | Order is stronger and is used of people in authority who expect to be obeyed order | |
5 | 这使得广大人民认为,当权者是一群只想满足个人私欲的寄生虫。 | It causes the population to look upon those in authority as a pack of parasites whose exclusive concern is with the gratification of their private needs and wants | |
6 | 主万军之耶和华这样说,你去见掌银库的,就是家宰舍伯那,对他说, | The Lord, the Lord of armies, says, Go to this person in authority , this Shebna, who is over the house; who has made himself a resting-place on high, cutting out a place for himself in the rock, and say, | |
7 | 坐在城门口的谈论我。酒徒也以我为歌曲。 | I am a cause of wonder to those in authority ; a song to those who are given to strong drink. | |
8 | ||1:编辑是稀有坚韧物种。||2:他们必须了解网站政策,在其他维基使用者中获得权威,这样他们撰写的词条才能被保留,还得会用维基百科软件要求的复杂代码进行编写。||3:此外,维基百科全球发展官巴里?纽斯蒂德(Barry Newstead)说,维基百科非“核心群体”成员的用户占全体用户的90%,这部分人甚至不晓得他们可以编写百科。||4:用户们似乎忽视了网站发出大量的邀请他们参与信息:“我们就是客厅来的家具,纯摆设,”他无奈地表示。 | ||1:Editors are a scarce and hardy breed.||2:They must understand the site’s policies, gain authority among other Wikipedians so that their decisions stick, and be able to write in the cumbersome code required by Wikipedia’s software.||3:Moreover, says Barry Newstead, Wikimedia’s chief global development officer, 90% of users outside Wikipedia’s “core community” aren’t even aware that they can edit the encyclopedia.||4:Users seem to ignore the plentiful invitations to get involved: “We’re furniture in the living room,” he says plaintively. | |
9 | ||1:第三个他们共有的特征是按照自己意愿生活的决心。||2:多数企业家都有权利情结。||3:他们宁愿像自己的老板一样失败,也不愿做个成功的二把手。||4:他们中背景曲折的人奇多。||5:比如,泰德· 特纳(Ted Turner,译者注:CNN的创办者)的父亲,深受特纳崇拜,在特纳四岁时就将他送入了寄宿学校,还用衣架打他。||6:还有一部分人受到阅读障碍的困扰(理查德·布兰森和查尔斯·施瓦布(Charles Schwab,译者注:嘉信理财的创始人)就是典型的例子)。 | ||1:The third feature uniting them is a determination to run their own lives.||2:Most entrepreneurs have a problem with authority.||3:They would rather fail as their own boss than succeed as second-in- command.||4:A striking number of them come from difficult backgrounds.||5:Ted Turner’s father, whom the boy worshipped, sent him to boarding school at the age of four and beat him with a coat hanger, for example.||6:A disproportionate number suffer from dyslexia (Richard Branson and Charles Schwab are prominent examples). | |
10 | ||1:你有份体面的工作并且做得很努力。||2:你保持洁身自爱(不八卦),尊重权威,从不加入抗议性游行中。||3:突然你不幸的要面对残忍几乎表面来看不可能的选择:你的上级令你去做你粗暴不可接受的事。||4:服从命令还是牺牲重大的个人代价去拒绝?||5: 在精细巧妙充满思想的”美丽灵魂”一书中,美国记者Eyal Press为您讲述一个关于四位来自不同时空不同地点不同环境的普通人在说出“不”之后得到的意想不到的结果。 | ||1: You have a decent job and work hard. ||2: You keep your nose clean, respect authority and have never joined a protest march. ||3: Suddenly you have the bad luck to face a cruel and seemingly impossible choice. Your superiors tell you to do something outrageous or unacceptable. ||4: Do you obey or, at grave personal cost, refuse? ||5: In “Beautiful Souls”, a subtle and thoughtful book, Eyal Press, an American journalist, tells the stories of four very ordinary people who, in widely different times, places and circumstances, surprised themselves by saying “no”. | |
11 | ||1:事件上升到联邦的级别,机制的存在是为了让机构能够有效的运行。||2:在纽约,警方的力量被那些所谓的Handschu规则所限制,这样的一种机制是专门为了阻止警方因为宗教和政治的原因去单独随意地调查一个人或者一个团体,而是需要一些具体的措施来跟进。||3:但是这样的一些规则在2001年的恐怖袭击之后开始睁一只眼闭一只眼了,对涉及的一些问题给出了一些更宽泛的解释来作为一个所谓的掩饰。||4:布鲁南司法中心的Faiza Patel认为一个像洛杉矶的综合监管机构那样的独立的监管机构是非常有存在的必要的。 | ||1:At the federal level, mechanisms are in place to keep agents in check.||2:In New York the NYPD has to abide by the so-called Handschu guidelines, which are designed to keep the police from investigating a person or group solely because of politics or religion; they need something concrete to go on.||3:But the guidelines were relaxed after the 2001 attacks, and are anyway open to broad interpretation.||4:Faiza Patel of the Brennan Centre for Justice feels that an independent oversight authority, like the inspector-general in Los Angeles, may be needed. | |
12 | ||1:这个广泛的定义使得两位作者像脾气暴躁的老人一样对当代英国社会的很多方面进行了凌厉的批评。||2:有时,给人感觉好像每一件事情都是英国衰落的写照,包括在去年皇室婚礼上取消对叙利亚大使的邀请。||3:人类受精和胚胎局管理局以及税务海关总署日益膨胀的权力都是被严厉攻击的目标。||4:此外,来自中国的投资在英国被贬低为是国家耻辱而非信心的标志:“对刚果那种国家足够好的东西竟然对英国好。” | ||1: This broad definition allows the pair to be grumpy old men and indulge in some fierce complaining about various aspects of modern British society. ||2: At times, it seems as if almost everything is a sign of Britain’s decline, including the decision to revoke the Syrian ambassador’s invitation to last year’s royal wedding. ||3: The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority is the subject of a rant, as are the growing powers of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. ||4: Inward investment by China is not a sign of confidence in Britain, but instead dismissed as a token of national humiliation: “What was good enough for the Congo was good for the United Kingdom.” | |
13 | “当政的某些人显然打算让朱立安呆在监狱里”,他自言自语道。 | "Somebody in authority clearly intended to keep Julian in prison, " he said of himself. | |
14 | 但是尝试着用道德伦理去劝说以一点作用也没有的,而且当权者似乎不情愿作出更多的努力。 | But such attempts at moral suasion are not working, and those in authority seem reluctant to do more. | |
15 | 但是却找不到当局进行过任何形式的调查的迹象。 | Yet there was no sign that anyone in authority had ever conducted any sort of investigation. | |
16 | 当权者往往对黑客的叛逆态度感到恼怒。 | Those in authority tend to be annoyed by hackers’ general attitude of disobedience. | |
17 | 当权者应该解释这一点,不管它是不是为大众所普遍了解。 | Those in authority should explain this, whether it is a popular message or not. | |
18 | 当权者在欺负行为发生的时候没有做任何事情予以阻止,之后也没有做任何事; | those in authority did nothing to prevent the bullying while it was happening, nor did they do anything subsequently; | |
19 | 第一个是传统机构权威的分崩离析; | First has been the collapse in authority of traditional institutions; | |
20 | 夫人,女士:以前用作对有权威的妇女或家族中的女主人的尊称。 | Dame: Used formerly as a courtesy title for a woman in authority or a mistress of a household. | |
21 | 概要哀求者被迫害者追捕、伤害或威胁,并向有力权威祈求帮助。 | The Supplicant is chased, harmed or otherwise threatened by the Persecutor and begs for help from the Power in Authority . | |
22 | 科学尽量不相信权力,而社会在一定程度上需要它。 | Science tries to place no trust in authority ; to some extent, society has to. | |
23 | 穆巴拉克许多亲信至今仍执掌大权或逍遥法外。 | Many of Mr Mubarak’s henchmen remain in authority or at large. | |
24 | 那些凭空决断的掌权者,其雷霆大怒则源于一些早已过时的二流学术作家。 | Madmen in authority , who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back. | |
25 | 你希望有个权威人事在你之上对你咆哮用高人一等的口气对你说话吗? | Would you have one in authority over you scream at you and talk down to you? | |
26 | 权威机构信誉崩溃。这或许要归咎于彼此的猜疑。 | Confidence in authority is collapsing. Mutual suspicion may be the reason. | |
27 | 什么也办不了,因为掌权的谁也不认真对待这个问题。 | Nothing will be done because no one in authority takes the matter seriously. | |
28 | 是只有一两个具有超高权限的页面还是全体链接页面的首页都具有高权限? | Is there only one or two with a super high authority or is the entire first page of linking pages high in authority . | |
29 | 他说他的微博已经被一些不赞成他所写的当局人士人关闭至少两次。 | He said his weibo has been shut down at least twice by someone in authority who didn’t approve of what he was writing. | |
30 | 我不是怕坐到那些器械上,怕的是有些健身房老板会过来跟我说,你这样会弄坏这个器械的。 | I don’t mind going to the equipment. I’m so afraid someone in authority is going to get him go you’re gonna break it, you know. |